Checks totaling $1,300 and 750 pounds of non-perishable food items were delivered Wednesday to the Greene County Christian Action Resource Center in Jefferson from Greene County Farm Bureau and Jefferson Fareway.
The monetary donation and food donation are the result of the county’s cram the cab event held recently. Fareway store manager Doug Monaghan and assistant manager Nate Nelson delivered a pickup full of $5, $10, and$ 20 sacks/bags of non-perishable food items that had been purchased by Fareway shoppers in response to local needs in the county.

Board members John McCormick and Schyler Bardole were also on hand to help unload the pickup and make the check(s) and food items presentation to food pantry volunteer Shirley Haupert.

Greene County Farm Bureau thanked everyone who had a role in making this year’s Cram the Cab event a success.